How to Configure Branded Email with Gmail?
In order to configure your branded email with Gmail, you must have a Gmail account. Login to your Gmail account and click the setting option at top right:
· Now click “Accounts & Import” from top tabs
· Send mail as >> Add another email address you own
When you do the above, a new window will open, you need to put your name and the branded email address you created using your Cpanel, click next step, and you’ll be asked to insert your mail server, user name and password for that particular email address. Just go to your Cpanel >> Email which you created and click the “More” option at right side, you’ll see an option “Configure Email Clients” and on the next page, you’ll see details of your mail server, from where you can get the server address and put in the window appeared by Google.
The user name is the same as your email i.e and the password is that one which created while creating the branded email in Cpanel.
After these steps done, click “Add account”, and you’re done with this step. Now you’ll need to verify this email address, so go to Cpanel >> Email accounts >> click the option “More” with that email and from drop down click the “Access Webmail” option, and you’ll see three services i.e horde, squarellmail etc, you can use anyone of them for checking your emails.
You’ll see an email from Gmail team in your inbox, just open that and verify it by clicking the link, and you’re done with the verification process. Now the last thing you need to do is to forward the emails from that branded email to your Gmail account, for that you can use the forwarding option available in your email account section in Cpanel. Just forward all of your emails from branded email to your actual Gmail account, so you can receive emails in your gmail account and you can also reply to them.
I hope, after watching the video tutorial, there will be no need for further help, but if still you have any questions then you can ask in the comment section below, I’ll always be glad to answer your questions!
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